5 Schizophrenic-Friendly Foods to Help Stabilize Mood
There is no doubt about the fact that the food that we eat adds nutrition from our head to our toes. It is all the more important that you eat a nutritious and balanced diet because it bears an impact on your mental health. This is why it is important to have a diet that adds nutrition to your brain so that any mood disorders can be kept in check effectively and naturally.
Below is a list of top superfoods that are a great addition for mood stabilizing, especially if you suffer from schizophrenia:
1. Avocados
This is one fruit that contains only monounsaturated fats, which promote the lowering of cholesterol while also boosting your brain’s serotonin to maintain a healthy mental balance. They help bring down the blood pressure, as a result of which they help you feel relaxed.
2. Beans
The best varieties of beans that you can add to your diet are pinto, mung, and garbanzo – which provide a rich supply of vitamin B9 from the folate or folic acid present in the beans. A deficiency in folic acid can end up causing an imbalance in the homocysteine, which can trigger schizophrenia symptoms. Eating just a cup of beans each day can go a long way to stabilize your mood and keep the balance.
3. Cereals
Eat the whole-grain versions, as they add in all the needed fiber into your diet and at the same time provide a plethora of other benefits. These benefits include keeping the digestive tract regulated, streamlining your blood sugar for more than a few hours, and also improve your concentration and alertness. Cereals contain healthy carbs, which help regulate the serotonin in your brain and is hence one of the best mood-stabilizing foods for schizophrenia. You can make your morning bowl of cereals interesting by sprucing it up with peanuts, walnuts, and almonds, all of which contain nutritional benefits targeted towards your mental health.
4. Cottage cheese
Apart from being one of the best sources of B12, cottage cheese contains high amounts of whey protein that has the properties of reducing both irritability and anxiety. All that you need to do is add in whey through a glass of milk when you are short of time to enjoy a well-cooked meal containing cottage cheese.
5. Fruits
As with any diet, fruits are on the list of mood-stabilizing foods for schizophrenic patients since they add a variety of nutritional benefits to both your physical and mental health. Fruits such as bananas contain B6, which is key to keeping the balance of serotonin and boost your overall energy throughout the day. Pineapples, on the other hand, contain high levels of vitamin C along with thiamin and manganese that is key to fueling the balance of the carbs for the body.
Having a balanced diet is not easy because that would mean you need to keep a conscious watch over all the foods that you eat and the ones that you need to avoid. This is why you must add in the right mood-stabilizing foods to ensure that schizophrenia symptoms can be kept in check with ease and not have to over-rely on medicine for the long run.