6 Early Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

6 Early Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are soft, tiny tissue growths that emerge in the lining of your nose or sinuses. They can be insignificant and negligible when small, but as they grow, big can exhibit symptoms. Therefore, if you are keen to know whether you have nasal polyps, look out for the early warning signs listed below. Nasal polyps are benign growths caused mostly by chronic inflammation.

Yet, since they are an abnormal growth of cells in the nose and sinuses, it is best to reach out to your physician and get your symptoms checked out.

1. Block in the nose

When your nose is blocked, the thought that comes to mind first is the onset of the common cold. When polyps are small, they remain inconspicuous and unobtrusive. They do not show any sign whatsoever about their presence in your body. However, when nasal polyps grow significantly big or multiple growths occur together as a cluster, the first thing you notice is a blockage in your nose.

2. Difficulty breathing

A blocked nose will undoubtedly make it difficult for you to breathe. Automatically, you will start breathing through your mouth. It, in turn, can result in other associated symptoms like snoring and sleep apnea.

3. Snoring

Nasal polyps are an obstacle to breathing through your nose. And at night, lying down can make it harder for you to breathe through your mouth. Hence when there is obstruction of breathing, you start to snore/ while you are asleep. Irregular breathing patterns may even result in sleep apnea.

4. Nasal drips

Mucus is a natural product of the body and is responsible for removing irritants from the nasal passages. When polyps grow, they block the pathways and result in the build-up of mucus. Excessive mucus or nasal secretions become infected with bacteria and worsen your sinusitis. These post nasal drips then flow into your throat and cause irritation there. Nasal drips compel you to spit out the discharge/mucus frequently. Cough is another side-effect of a postnasal drip. The tickle in your throat and cough worsens at night time when you lie down flat to sleep.

5. Facial discomfort

A block in the nasal passage and a subsequent accumulation of mucus in the nose and sinuses can cause heaviness in your face. There can be a dull pressure all over the face. But it is felt especially near the eyes, around the nose, in the cheekbones, and the forehead. Upper respiratory infections resulting from nasal polyps trigger purulent nasal discharges, resulting in facial pressure.

6. Loss of smell

When nasal polyps become large or form in groups, they block the sensitivity of your nose. Hence your ability to smell the burnt bread in your toaster or enjoy the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee is either reduced or lost altogether. The loss of smell is one of the most common symptoms caused by the obstruction of polyps in the respiratory tract.

Nasal polyps occur in both nostrils of your nose. And if you observe or experience any of the early symptoms mentioned above, meet with a healthcare specialist immediately. Medicines can alleviate the symptoms, and in some cases, surgery helps remove the polyps. But the probability of recurrence of a nasal polyp is relatively high, and continued medication and medical monitoring might be necessary.